Carnegie Mellon University


ECE students have an impressive array of career opportunities awaiting them upon graduation. Most major technology, finance, and consulting companies recruit our students for internships and full-time employment, as well as rotational programs. Whether they have an interest in software, hardware or systems, commercial products, space, defense, or the work of other government agencies, ECE students have the opportunity to selectively choose their career direction.

At Carnegie Mellon University, formal recruiting activities are offered by the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC). Companies should contact the CPDC in order to post job positions on Handshake, schedule information sessions and on-campus interviews, and learn about specific recruiting activities.

Job fairs

  • The College of Engineering at CMU has traditionally offered the fall career fair for all technology-oriented companies. This event, termed the Technical Opportunities Conference, is hosted by the student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers.
  • Encompass CMU is an exciting career fair that brings together arts, business, computer science, engineering, humanities, and science students in one location. 

In addition, companies that recruit ECE students for internships and graduating students for full-time employment have the opportunity to consult and work directly with the ECE Department. The ECE Office of Alumni and Employer Relations in conjunction with the ECE Office of Student Relations provides professional and career-oriented programs for ECE bachelor's, master's, and doctoral students. These programs include an industry interface with a variety of student engagement and student organization sponsorship opportunities.