Carnegie Mellon University


Despite the number of such departments around the country, very few prospective students know what electrical and computer engineers do. Electrical and computer engineering integrates many disciplines from electrical engineering and computer science under a common umbrella.

Wherever the electrons or computers are—that is where we are.

Graduate studies

There are four graduate degrees available in the ECE Department: the Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Master of Science in Software Engineering, and the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence in Engineering–Electrical and Computer Engineering. Included as part of these degree programs is the ability to complete your studies at various campuses throughout the world.

MS in ECE MS in SE MS in AI PhD in ECE
  • Pittsburgh
  • Silicon Valley
  • Africa
  • Thailand
  • Silicon Valley
  • Pittsburgh
  • Pittsburgh
  • Portugal
  • Thailand
  • Washington, DC

Undergraduate studies

The BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering is a broad and highly flexible degree program structured to provide students with the smallest set of constraints consistent with a rich and comprehensive view of the profession. Students are encouraged and stimulated to explore multiple areas of theory and application. Read more about our programs and objectives.

IDeATe: Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

Carnegie Mellon’s diverse, top-ranked departments in computing, engineering, design, and arts are uniquely positioned to serve students with interdisciplinary interests bridging technology and creative practice. The IDeATe concentrations and minors connect students and faculty from across the university through coursework and collaborative studio experiences. As an engineering student at Carnegie Mellon, you will have the opportunity to integrate in your degree a concentration or minor in one of eight creative industry areas: Game Design, Animation & Special Effects, Media Design, Learning Media, Sound Design, Entrepreneurship for Creative Industries, Intelligent Environments, or Physical Computing. For more information, please visit the IDeATe website.